Obečala sam vam par
riječi o Beču, što vidjet, gdje popiti kavu, gdje shopingirati. Kava ili čaj u
ruke i krenimo u virtualnu šetnju po Beču. Svi znamo da je Beč bivša
prijestolnica Austro-Ugarske monarhije s Marijom Terezijom, Franz Josipom,
predivnom Sissy i ostalima. Bilo koga da pitate prvo će vas uputiti u 1. Bezirk
(okrug). U povijesti 1. Bezirk je bio Beč, mjesto odakle su vladali
gore navedeni s sjedištem u Hofburgu. 1. Bezirk je tada bio okružen zidinama,
koje su za vrijeme Marije i Josipa srušene te danas čine Ring – najpoznatiju bečku ulicu oko 1. Bezirka na kojoj se nalazi
Rathaus, velebni Parlament, Opera, razni muzeji (Museums Quartier,
Naturhistorisches Museum), Bečko sveučilište... Nakon što ste prošetali Ringom
uputite se na Stephan platz, trg unutar 1. Bezirka gdje se nalazi Stephan Dom –
velebna katedrala. Ako se izgubite u nekoj okolnoj ulici imati ćete osjećaj kao
da ste otišli sto godina unazad, osobito ako uz vas prođe kočija s konjima
koju možete unajmiti za vožnju. Ako se nađete usred ljeta u centru
Beču i osjetite miris ˝sela i prirode˝ - e pa to su ti konji i kočije. Jedan dan obavezno rezervirajte za posjet Prateru – zabavnom parku, sjednite na Riesenrad
i pogledajte Beč iz ptičje perspektive. Naravno nemojte zaboraviti ni na
Schönbrun, ljetnikovac Sissy i Josipa s prekrasnim parkom i Zološkim vrtom. U
Beču ćete naći mnogo parkova da se odmorite od razgledavanja, jedan od njih je
i park dvorca Belvedere kojim možete besplatno prošetati, a ukoliko želite
pogledati izložbu unutar dvorca, morat ćete ˝iskeširati˝ par eura. Ukoliko se
nađete na Ringu i želite se odmoriti otiđite u Stadtpark.
I promised you a few words abot Vienna, what to see, where to eat and where to go in shoping. So grab coffee or tea in hand and lets start with virtual tour of Vienna. We all know that Vienna is former capital city of Austro-Hungarian monarchy with Maria Theresa, Franz Joseph, beautiful Sissy and others. In history 1st District was surrounded by walls. In time of Maria and Joseph walls were pulled down and now this place called Ring - Vienna's most famous street around the first district with beautifull City Hall, the magnificent Parliament, Opera, various museums (Museums Quartier, Naturhistorisches Museum), Vienna university ... Once you walk Ringo refer to Stephan Platz, the square in the middle of first district where is located the Stephan Dom - magnificent cathedral. If you get lost in surrounding streets you will feeling like you've gone back a hundred years ago, especially if you see carriage with horses, which you can rent for a ride. If you find yourself in the middle of summer in the center of Vienna and you smell something like ˝village and nature˝ - well it's just horses. I recommend you to visit the Prater - amusement park and sit on the Riesenrad, you will see Vienna from above. Of course you can´t forget Schönbrun, Sissy and Joseph summer mansion, with beautiful park and ZOO. In Vienna, you will find many parks to rest from sightseeing. One of them is the Park Belvedere Castle, which you can walk for free. If you want to see exhibition inside the castle, you will need to pay ticket. If you find yourself in the ring and want to rest, go to Stadtpark.

Ukoliko želite otkriti Beč koji nije turistički, zavucite se
u ulice jednog od bezirka blizu centra, preporučam 7. i tamo se stopite s
Bečanima. Otkrit ćete predivnu arhitekturu, pročelja, tajnovite ulaze i mjesta
gdje možete pojesti nešto puno jeftinije nego u centru. Kad smo se već
dotaknuli hrane, svaki caffe u Beču nudi i doručak ili nešto tipa brunch-a, a
što idete dalje od centra i über popularnih mjesta to su cijene niže. Isto vrijedi i za ˝Bečki šnicl˝. Naravno ako
ste prvi puta u Beču probajte slavnu Sacher tortu u hotelu Sacher. Ja sam ju
probala, jer ako nisi probao tortu kod Sachera kao da ni nisi bio u Beču, fina
je, ukusna, platila sam krišku 6 eura, probala sam ju jednom i to mi je
dovoljno. Ipak je to slavna Saherica ;)
If you want meet Vienna who is not turistic, just turn in
one of the street in Bezirk near city centar, I recommend 7. Bezirk. You will
discover beautifull architecture, secret entrances and places where you can eat something good and cheaper than in
the center. Every bar in Vienna offer breakfast or brunch and prices are
cheaper around center. Same thing is with popular ˝Wiener scnitzel˝. If you are first time in Vienna, you must try Sacher cake in famous Sacher hotel. It´s cost
6 euro and for me it´s like: ˝Ok I try Sacher cake for 6 euro, and it`s ok˝. I
don´t know if I ever eat it again, my opinion is that for 6 euro you can it
much delicious cake ;)

Glavna ulica za shoping u Beču je Mariahilfe Straße.
Povezuje Westbahnhof s 1. Bezirkom. Tamo ćete naći Zaru (u kojoj nema TRF?),
H&M, Forever 21, veliki C&A s 100 puta boljom ponudom nego u Hrvatskoj
i ostale brandove koje možete pronaći i u Hrvatskoj. ALI, tamo se nalazi i Starbucks,
Dukin Donuts – krafne su odlične, mekane, s taman dovoljno punjenja i The Body shop. A ako želite shopingirati u velikom
trgovačkom centru, uzimite si pola dana za posjet SCS-u koji se nalazi na
početku Beča. Odlično je povezan s centrom s međugradskom linijom koja ga
povezuje sa linijom U6 koja vozi kroz Westbahnhof. U SCS-u se nalazi Primark
(raj za jeftin i kvalitetan shoping) te svi poznati svjetski high street
brandovi, ali i oni malo skuplji.
Main street in Vienna for shoping is Mariahilfe street. Mariahilfe connect Westbahnhof and 1. Bezirk.
There, you can find ZARA (without TRF??), H&M, Forever 21, big C&A with
very big offer. For coffee lovers, in Mariahilfe you can find Starbucks and for
sweets lovers Dunkin Donuts. There is The Body shop too. If you want shop in big
shoping center, you can visit SCS – big shoping centar near Vienna. It´s
connect with Westbahnhof with U-bahn U6 and then with intercity line. You
will need 20 minute from Westbahnhof to SCS. In SCS you will find shoping
cheap paradise – Primark.

Što se tiče izlazak, uputite se na Swedenplatz i prošetajte
po ulicama gdje ćete naći barove gdje najčešće DJ pušta muziku i atmosfera je
odlična, a ni cijene nisu pretjerane. Ako želite pravu klupsku atmosferu u Beču
ćete naći obilje klubova kao Praterdom, club Passage i ostali. A ako vas uhvati
nostalgija za lakim notama i Balkanom vaš cilj je Ottakring – ulica u kojoj
ćete u svakom baru čuti nove hitove Brene, Rozge, Seve i ostalih.
If you want to go out in Vienna, I recommend Swedenplatz. There
you can find lots of bars with DJs and great atmosphere with cheap prices. If you want real club atmosphere
you can visit Praterdom, club Passage... If you are from Balcan and you miss
Brena, Rozga and Seve, you must visit Ottakring with lots of Balcan bars.
Beč je moj najdraži grad, a ovo su mjesta koja bi svi
trebali vidjeti u Beču. Kada dođete drugi, treći put, počet ćete istraživati i
ulice izvan centra i tamo ćete otkriti pravo blago Beča, male kavane, barove,
pekarnice s domaćim pecivima i sve ono čime će vas Beč još više osvojiti. Ako
uhvatite slobodan sunčan dan, otiđite do obale Dunava i popijte kavu ili
Špricer na suncu s pogledom na ˝Lijepi, više ne tako plavi, ali i dalje
prekrasan Dunav˝ ili se izgubite u Bečkim ulicama. Znam i vi ćete ga zavoljeti.
Vienna is my favorite city and this is ˝must see˝ places in
Vienna. If you come second, third... time in Vienna you will start exploring
streets out of center and there you will find real Vienna, small bars,
bakeries... If you have free day and it´s sunny, go on Donau and drink coffee
or Apperol Spritz. I know, you will feel in love with Vienna.
U Beču se osjećam kao kod kuće, možda jer sliči na moj Zagreb, možda jer meni jako draga osoba živi tamo, a možda je to jednostavno moje ˝sretno mjesto˝. Sada, kada živim samo 50 km od njega, znam da ću svaki slobodan trenutak provesti u njemu i svaki puta kada će mi nedostajati dom, zaputit ću se tamo, dragim ljudima i najdražem gradu - domu, daleko od doma.
In Vienna I feel lika I am at home. Maybe, because it´s look like my Zagreb, maybe because my twinsy live there, maybe because it´s simply my ˝happy place˝. Now, when I live 50 km from it, I know that I will spend every free moment there and every time when I will miss my home, I will go there, to my loved people and to my favorite city - my home, far away from home.