Polako, ali sigurno dolazi nam proljeće. Vrijeme je za bose noge, starke, kožne jakne. Otvara se sezona terasa i mogućnost da ispružimo pipke i hvatamo prve zrake sunca, kao gušteri tamo dolje južnije, kada se ispruže na kamenu i plaše strane turiste ;) Jaglaci, visibabe, ljubičice (one kod moje zgrade su preživjele cijelu zimu - fenomen?!?!) su procvjetali, moje starke prvi put izašle na zrak, jedno je sigurno - proljeće nam dolazi.
Do sljedećeg posta, koji će biti rječitiji, zauzmite mjesto na terasi, ispružite pipke na sunce, ispijajte kavu, jer ˝nima priše˝, ljubim vas...
PS: službeni fotograf je bio zauzet, pa je mama preuzela ulogu fotografa - prirodni talent :) A Alex još uvijek nije naučio pozirati ;)
Slowly, but surely, spring is coming. It˙s time for bare legs, all stars, leather jackets. It´s start terrace season and we have possibility to catch first rays of sun, like lizards at south when they stretched out on the stones and scare foreign tourists ;) Primroses, snowdrops, violets (those near my building have survived throughout the winter - a phenomenon?!?!?) has flourished, my all stars are for the first time took to the air, it´s sure spring is coming.
Until the next post, which will be more eloquent, take your seat on terrace, catch the first rays of sun,drink coffee because there is no rush, I kiss you...
PS: official photographer was busy, so my mother made the photographs - natural talent :) As you can see my dog Alex still had not learn how to pose ;)
Pullover: Tally Weijl
Pants: H&M
Jacket: New Yorker
Sneakers: All Star
Bag: Primark
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Ah te vjecno cool starke;-)
;) idu na sve :)