petak, 14. kolovoza 2015.

The story about Selca

Sigurno se pitate, vi koji me pratite, gdje su ta Selca. Ok, shvatili ste da su na Braču, ali pretpostavljam da nikad prije niste čuli za njih. E pa nisam ni ja, iskreno mislila sam da se radi o Selcu kraj Crikvenice, a ustvari ovo su Selca, a on je Selce. Zamišljala sam Selca kao jedno malo, kako im ime kaže, selo. Ooo kako sam se prevarila. Ne Selca nisu malo selo, ustvari su općina pod kojom se nalazi i daleko poznatiji Sumartin. Nisu na moru, nego na brdu, ali vam autom trebaju 2 minute do mora, a ni pješice nije daleko, osim ako se natrag gore ne penjete u zvizdan, onda će vam se činiti da se nalaze na vrhu Velebita. Mene su Selca O-DU-ŠE-VI-LA, Veli Lošinj je i dalje ˝number one˝, ali to su više sentimentalni razlozi. Zamislite to ovako: kamene kuće, uske kamene ¨kale¨ (ulice), na svakom koraku ˝Šime˝ i ˝Mate˝ raspravljaju o pobjedama i gubicima Hajduka i o ostalim društvenim temama, svako svatkog zna, druže se i mladi i stari, igraju se ˝balote˝ (bočanje)... Pravo malo misto, jedino što je ovo u boji. I vjerujte tamo vam neće biti dosadno jer ćete doživjeti i sportsko i kulturno ˝lito˝. Nogomet, balote (vidi gore prijevod), tenis... pa do kazališnih predstava, radionica, koncerata, večeri poezije i još mnogo toga. Vjerujte mi guštat će te, a za 3 dana ćete se već osjećati kao domaći. Samo se pripremite da ćete novine moći pročitati tek oko 10-11 ujutro, tako da jutarnju kavu planirajte tada i mrkvu kupite kada ju vidite u dućanu, jer će se sutra možda dogoditi da vi poželite kuhati bolonjez s malo mrkvice, a teta u dućanu će vam reći: ˝Skužajte, ali mrkva nam dolazi sutra˝. Dakle, vrijedi pravilo: mrkva u zalihama, kava u 11. 

Da zaključimo, Selca vam preporučam, ako želite BAŠ BAŠ godišnji. A ako vam dosadi ˝nima priše˝ mood, blizu su vam i Bol i Supetar za malo ˝gužva˝ mood-a, ali vjerujte mi poželit ćete se vratiti što prije u ˝malo misto˝. A ako vas ni ovo nije uvjerilo da posjetite Selca, možda ovo hoće: Dino Galvagno iz Masterchef-a je izabrao Selca i restoran Brachia za svoj ˝ljetni posao˝, a Barbara Rocco za odmor. Ali oni vas tamo neće zanimati, više će vam biti zanimljivi ˝Šime˝, ˝Mate˝ i ekipa, jer oni će vas polagano uvući u ˝nima priše˝ mood.

Do sljedećeg posta, ljubim vas...

You must be wondering, if you follow me and my holiday, where are Selca. Okay, you get the idea that Selca is on Island of Brač, but I guess you have never heard of them. Well, neither did I. Honestly I thought Selca is Selce near Crikvenica, but no, I was wrong. I imagined Selca as a little, as their name suggests, the village (selca means little village on croatian). Oh how I was wrong. In fact, Selca is the municipality under which there is a better known Sumartin. Selca is not at sea, it is on a hill, but with car you need 2 minutes to the sea, and even on foot is not far away, unless you climb back up in noon, then it seem it is at the top of mountain. Selca thrilled me. Well Veli Lošinj is still number one, but these are more sentimental reasons. Think of Selca on this way: stone houses, the narrow stone streets, at every step old Dalmatian people discuss the victories and losses of Hajduk (football club) and on other social issues, everyone knows everyone, young and old people are hanging around, playing ˝Balote˝ (bowling on clay)... There will not be boring, because Selca has sports and cultural events (˝Sportsko lito˝ and ˝Kulturno lito˝). Football, tennis, cageball... theater performances, workshops, concerts, poetry readings and more you will found in Selca. Trust me you will relax and enjoy, and in three days you will already feel like you are at home. Just be prepared that you will be able to read newspapers at 10-11 am (they said because it´s island), so plan your morning coffee and buy carrot when you see it in the store, because tomorrow may happen that you want to cook bolognese with carrots and lady in the store will say: ˝Skužajte (dalmatian word for I´m sorry), but carrots are coming tomorrow. So the rule is: always have carrots on inventory and drink coffee in the 11 am.

To conclude, I recommend you Selca, if you want to relax on vacation. If you want little crowded Bol and Supetar are close. But believe me, you will wish to come back as soon as possible in Selca. And if this not convinced you, Barbara Rocco - actor and Dino Galavgno - chef are decided that Selca is their summer base. But in Selca you will not care about famous people, more you will be interesting about people in Selca and they will slowly get you into relax and holiday mood.

Till next post, kisses...

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