ponedjeljak, 1. veljače 2016.

Puzzle post: black and white with little of red

Mislim da sam napokon našla rješenje za nedostatak fotografa ovdje na sjeveru. Neizostavne prugice kombinirane s muškim cipelama i crnim grilonkama. Da cijeli outfi ne bi bio pre ˝bubimirovski˝, ˝obojala˝ sam ga s crvenim ružom. Mada što se mene tiče, crno-bijelo je sasvim u redu, s obzirom da sam još u crnoj fazi, jer se u Bratislavi sunce tek sramežljivo pojavljuje. Kombinaciju bih vam preporučila za brunch, kavu, šetnju, ležeran izlazak. Može i za posao, ukoliko radite u  nekoj opuštenoj atmosferi i ukoliko vaš posao ne zahtjeva određeni dress code, jer je ova moja haljina ˝minica˝. Moja tvrtka ima dress code, ali mislim da se on primjenjuje po nacijama (radim u internacionalnoj kompaniji gdje rade ljudi iz cijele Europe). Zaposlenici jedne zemlje se oblače kao da su doma i upravo su usisali stan i sada se spremaju izaći baciti smeće. Drugi su u fazi večernjih izlazak po danu, a ostali su u traperice-obična majica ˝điru˝. Dress code kompanije je poslovni, s određenom dužinom suknje i naravno klišejem ˝casual friday˝. Ja se osobno ne osjećam ugodno u ovoj haljini na poslu, smatram ju prekratkom za tip ureda u kojem radim, te ju zato nosim u, nazovimo ga tako, ˝slobodno vrijeme˝.
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ovakav tip posta, u kroničnom nedostatku fotografa.

Do sljedećeg posta, ljubim vas...

I think that I finally found solution for the lack of photographer here in the north. Indispensable stripes combined with male shoes and black tights. I add to this outfit a little bit of color with red lipstick, so I wouldn´t look like Beetlejuice. For me black and white is always good opinion, because I´m still in black winter, no sun outside, phase. This combination I would recommend you for brunch, coffee, walking, casual party. You can wear this combination for job too, if you work in relaxed atmosphere and if your job does not require a specific dress code, because this dress is very short as you can see. My company has a dress code, but I think it applies by nations (I work in an international company where working people from all over Europe). For example, employees of one country dress like they were at home and cleaning houes. Employees of other country dress like they are going out and the others one are in jeans - t-shirt phase. Dress code of company is business, with a certain length of skirts and of course a clichés like ˝casual Friday˝. I personally don´t feel comfortable in this dress at work, for me is too short for the type of office where I work. I wear this drees in my, let´s call that, free time.
I hope that you like this kind of post, in the chronic lack of photographer.

Till next post, kisses...

Dress: Esmara
Shoes: CCC
Lipstick: Maybelline 470 red Revolution
Bag: no branded (from Genoa)

1 komentar:

  1. Like your lipstick and bag :)
    BLOG M&MFASHIONBITES : http://mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr/
    Maria V.
