srijeda, 11. ožujka 2015.


Imate li vi naviku kada dođete u neki stari grad da hodate ulicom i proučavate fasade na starim zgradama? Ja da. Radim u centru Zagreba i svaki puta kada idem pješice na posao, hodam s pogledom prema gore i divim se arhitekturi. Privlače me svi ti oblici jer daju svakoj zgradi posebnu čar, ono nešto što ju čini drugačijom, pa makar fasada bila oronula, oni ju čine živom. Najljepše primjerke vidjela sam u Barceloni i u Budimpešti, gdje bi mogla čitavi dan hodati s podignutom glavom dok mi se vrat ne ukoči. Svaki takav detalj priča svoju priču, a zajedno pričaju priču grada, njegovu povijest, život njegovih  žitelja, zajedno čine grad jedinstvenim i daju mu jedan dio duše. Tako je i nastala ova priča. Ova stara kuća u centru Velike Gorice je prije bila oronula i djelovala je tužno, a sada joj je vraćen stari sjaj. Obnovljena je njezina priča te sada može i mlađim generacijama pričati o jednom vremenu, vremenu kada su njihovi bake i djedovi bili djeca.

A meni je poslužila kao odlična scenografija za ovaj outfit. Sivi džemper da uskladimo boje, a vintage naočale da daju točku na "i" outfitu, kao štukature građevini onaj efekt zbog kojeg ćete zastati i zagledati se nju.

Do sljedećeg posta, ljubim vas... i 1000 puta hvala na 1000 pregleda ;)

Do you have habit when you come in some old town to roam the streets and observe facades on old buildings? I do. I work in center of Zagreb and every time while walking to work I look up and admire to architecture. I am attracted with all that shapes because they give every building special charm, that something that makes it little different even thou facade is tumbledown. It is what makes it alive. The most beautiful I saw was in Barcelona and in Budapest, where I could walk all day long with my head up, until my neck would freeze. Every such detail tells his own story, towns history, life of its inhabitants and together they make town unique and gives it one part of soul. That is how this story is made.This old house in center of Velika Gorica was tumbledown and now it is returned to its former splendor. Story of house is renovated and now it can talk to younger generation its own story, story about time when their grandparents were children.

To me, this old house was a great scenery. Grey sweater to match the color and vintage sunglasses to give that "wow" effect, like that stucco give a facade.

Kisses... and 1000 thanks for 1000 views ;)

Sweater: Kik
Skirt: H&M
Jacket: New Yorker
Boots: Deichman
Bag: Primark
Bracelets: No Branded
Sunglasses: Vintage (grandmothers)

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