subota, 6. veljače 2016.

Viennese afternoon

Svaka žena u svom ormaru ima veliku torbu. To je torba s kojom putujemo, nosimo je na plažu i kada želimo biti ˝comfy˝ jer u nju stane sve što nam je potrebno u danu, ali i ono što nam je nepotrebno. Moja stara velika Zarina torba je ostala doma jer ju je moja mama prisvojila prošle zime. Crvena nije moja boja, osim po pitanju štikli i ruža, i nikada nisam mislila da ću ikada kupiti crvenu torbu, a pogotovo nešto za obući. Ona stara kaže: Nikad ne reci nikad, a ja trenutno u ormaru imam crvena suknja (outfit post ovdje), a ova torba je postala moj svakodnevni ˝accessories˝. Ne znam da li sam pala na nju jer je bilo predbožično vrijeme ili sam se promijenila (?!?!), ali gledale smo se dobrih mjesec dana. Mislila sam da je ona samo prolazna ˝zatelebanost˝, ali kada sam jednog dana vidjela da je nema na polici na kojoj je inače stajala, uhvatila me panika (žene će me razumjeti) i znala sam da se radi o ljubavi. Na svu sreću samo su je premjestili jer je ostala samo jedna. Pogađate, ta zadnja je upravo ova moja i bila je snižena. Od tada je moja mantra: Ako vam se nešto sviđa i gledate to jako dugo i ostane u samo jednom primjerku i još je na sniženju, suđeno vam je ;). 
Čipkasta majica, u savršenoj tamno zelenoj boji je ulov s Zarinog sniženja i oko nje nema nikakve priče. Ona je uzrok popodneva provedenog s Twinsy u SCS-u. Došle smo bez ikakvog posebnog cilja, a izašle smo iz SCS-a s hrpom svijeća, vješalica, košarom za rublje, jastukom i ovom majicom. Pijući savršeni Caffe Latte s okusom lješnjaka iz Starbucksa, shvatile smo da starimo. Prije smo iz shopinga dolazile s vrećicama punim odjeće, a sada iz shopinga dolazimo s kućnim potrepštinama. Nadam se samo da nećemo s njima pretjerati kao s odjećom.

Do idućeg posta, ljubim vas...

Every woman in her wardrobe have a large bag. That's the bag with which we travel, we carry to beach and when we want to be comfy because we put in it everything that we need in a day and a lot of thing that we don´t need. My old Zara, big, bag is at home because my mother appropriated it last winter. Red is not my color, except in terms of heels and lipstick, and I never thought I would ever buy red bag or anything red for wear. But you know that sentence: Never say never! Currently in my closet is red skirt (outfit post here) and this bag, which has become my everyday accessories. I do not know if I fell on her, because it was Christmas time or I have changed (?!?!), but I was looking that bag for one month. I thought this bag was just current love, but one day I saw that she wasn´t on shelf where it normally stood and I started to panic (women will understand me). Then I knew that she is really love. Luckily, they just move it because it left only one piece. You guessed it, this last one is mine and it was on sale. So since then I am like: If you like something, but you are not sure to buy it or not, and then this thing left in just one piece, and it is on sale, buy it.
Lace shirt, in perfect dark green color, is from Zara and it was on sale. I don´t have story about her :). It was random afternoon that Twinsy and I spent in SCS. We came without any special aim, and we got out of SCS with a bunch of candles, hangers, laundry basket, pillow and this shirt. Drinking perfect Caffe Latte, flavored with hazelnut, from Starbucks, we realized that we getting old. Before we came from shopping with bags full of clothes, and now we come from shopping with bag full of house items. I just hope we will not go overboard with them as we were with clothes.

Till next post, kisses...

Shirt: Zara
Faux fur coat: New Yorker
Jeans: Mango

Boots: CCC
 Bag: Parfois
Cap: H&M
Scarf: H&M

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